CK Quilting

Longarm Quilting Service

About Us

Hey there, we’re Chris and Ken, and we’re the folks behind CK Quilting. The “CK” in our business name comes from the first initial of our first names. We’re both born and raised in Kansas, and we’d love to tell you a bit about our quilting journey.

Chris’s quilting journey started over a decade ago when she was inspired by the beautiful quilts made by Ken’s mother and sister. The whole process of creating quilts fascinated her, and she couldn’t resist giving it a try. She began piecing quilts on a vintage Singer which she still uses today. Chris quickly became quite skilled at piecing, and soon, she had a stack of completed quilt tops just waiting to be quilted.

By 2019, Chris had likely completed over 100 quilts on a few different longarm systems. In 2022, we purchased a Gammill longarm machine and Intelliquilter robotics. This longarm is a deep burgundy color, and we affectionately nicknamed her “Ruby.” Below is one random example of Chris’s piecing/quilting work:

Ken has supported Chris’s quilting journey from the beginning. He’s fascinated by the engineering of sewing machines, particularly longarm machines as well as the robotics, and enjoys the technical side of these systems. Ken also takes on the role of the maintenance guy, ensuring that Chris’s machines are always in top-notch condition. While Ken has dabbled in computerized wholecloth quilting, he hasn’t ventured into piecing quilts thus far. Here is an example of some of Ken’s work quilting on a Hoffman Dream Big panel with a digital pattern. Note this is not freehand and we do not offer this type of custom quilting with our service: 

One thing Chris wishes is that she had gotten into quilting earlier. Ken’s mother was a dedicated and prolific quilter, and they had only a brief period when they were both actively quilting at the same time. Although Ken’s mother has since passed away, she left behind a “quilting legacy” that continues to inspire Chris’s love for quilting. Ken’s mother had hand-quilted hundreds of quilts, and we believe she would be thrilled to see us utilizing a longarm machine like the ones we’re lucky enough to own. Below is a picture at the funeral of Ken’s Mom. All of the quilts draped on the pews were brought by family and friends that were gifted by her over the years. This tribute was a testimonial to the love of quilting she had. The quilts in the picture represent only a small number of quilts she created over the years. 

With the 10+ years of quilting experience and all we have learned through our journey, we are a team that feels comfortable quilting for you and look forward to assisting you to make your quilts masterpieces that you will be proud of.